NEW RELEASE: Electroacoustic & Beyond vol.4 is OUT TODAY!


Electroacoustic & Beyond vol.4 is OUT Today! The fourth volume of the series featuring the winners of the Call for Electroacoustic Works 2019

Official Release Page

In an age where music genres and sound design become more and more blurred, the ten tracks include pure electronic works, works that mix acoustic instruments and electronic and works with voice, electronic and instruments. Each of the compositions presented offers a distinctive and clear perspective of today possibilities, making use of advanced structures, sound manipulations and various combinations of timbre and sound design.

Read the full Press Release


01. Sk(etch) by Leah Reid
02. Machine by Benjamin Montgomery
03. Dark Energy by João Pedro Oliveira
04. Evangelium Campane by Maeghan Dineen
05. Matter 1 by Daniel Mayer
06 – 09. Four Desultory Episodes for Oboe by Greg A Steinke
10. Banlieue cuivrée by Nicola Fumo Frattegiani