Georgi Dimitrov

Georgi Dimitrov writes acoustic music that explores the relationships between distinctive sound molds and the ways in which they relate, mix, and complement each other in order to create a viable sense of form. His pieces occasionally enjoy the high-definition purr that results from the inclusion of intervals tuned in just intonation. He takes great joy in, in conjunction with the above or not, using humor in his music: from a vulgar slapstick to an elegant eruditeness. 

Georgi was born in 1989. At the age of fifteen, he moved to Natick, Massachusetts to study composition at the Walnut Hill School. After graduating high school in 2008 he enrolled at the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, California, where he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Music Composition. 

In 2014 Georgi earned a Master in Music in Composition degree from the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music. In 2019 he completed his Doctor of Musical Arts in Composition degree at the same school. Georgi has minors in instrumental conducting, viola performance, and theory and analysis. As a proficient viola player Georgi takes lessons with John John Hayhurst and Ben Ullery from the Los Angeles Philharmonic and plays on a Miralles “Zanetto” viola: a loan by the Maestro Foundation of California.

Georgi is currently an adjunct theory, aural skills, and orchestration instructor at the University of Southern California. He has studied composition with Donald Crockett, Andrew Norman, Stephen Hartke, and Sean Friar. He is a member of the Phi Kappa Phi and Pi Kappa Lambda honor societies. He also really, really likes eating at buffets.

More of his music can be found at:



