RMN Classical is excited to announce the winners of the 2022 edition of the Call for Electroacoustic Works. Since its first inception six years ago, and now in its seventh edition, the call has gradually become a widely recognised annual event that now attracts talented artists and composers at various stages of their careers from numerous cities and countries around the world.
The number of submissions, their quality and originality have increased over the years, and that was particularly true for this year too, making the selection process a long and challenging one.
After much deliberation, RMN Classical is honoured and excited to announce the winners of the Call for Electroacoustic Works 2022 and to welcome the following artists into its family!
The winners of the Call for Piano Works 2022 are:
(listed in alphabetical order)
- Emmanouil Ekmektsoglou, with “Etude on Voice”
- Neil O Connor, with “Bog Braon”
- Pauline Patie, with “Surtitré”
- Giulia Regini, with “Brushstrokes”
- Ryne Siesky, with “Grind…"
- Yu Chung Tseng, with “Tai Chi Qishi”
- Xiaoxuan Wang, with “The Phoenix Songs II”
- Pierre-Henri Wicomb, with “Blablablablablavet”
- Yukiko Yoden, with “Mirage”
All the winning works will be included in the new release Electroacoustic & Beyond 7, which will be produced by RMN Classical and published later this year by RMN Music on all the digital platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Deezer, Tidal and many others.
We are also pleased to give an Honorable Mention to:
(these works won’t be featured in the winning release but will be considered for future publications)
- Arthur Gottschalk, “Borborygmus”
- Andrea Montalbano, “Fractal perturbations”
RMN Classical wishes to thank all the artists who have taken part in this edition and congratulate all the winners for their success!
RMN Classical is thrilled to announce the 2022 edition of the Call for Electroacoustic Works. With this new opportunity, RMN Classical aims at promoting the contemporary music scene, by showcasing those artists who creatively use electronic music to compose original and innovative works. RMN Classical’s goal is to discover and promote talented composers and excellent compositions and make this challenging and inventive music genre loved and appreciated by an even wider audience.
As for every RMN Classical project, this opportunity is addressed and open to any artists and composers, regardless of age and country of residence. The work(s) submitted can have jazz, pop, and rock influences and flavours; they can include real acoustic instruments with live processing of sound, voices or percussions. However, they should mainly be electronic or electroacoustic.
The winners of The Call for Electroacoustic Works 2022 will win production, mastering and distribution of their work. They will be featured in an album release that will be produced by RMN Classical and released worldwide through RMN Music. The album will be distributed in a high-quality edition on all the available digital platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, Tidal, Pandora and numerous others.
In addition, the prize will include a high-quality design of the cover artwork, licensing and copyright clearance, and the composers will retain the copyright of their work and receive shares from sales and streaming. There will be the opportunity for synchronisation and licensing (tv and media), and optionally, depending on demand, physical distribution and manufacturing of the album.
The prize will include:
- Production of the album
- Mastering of the winning tracks
- Commercial release with worldwide distribution
- High-quality design of the cover artwork
- Design of promotional material
- Preparation of the promotional text
- Creation of the album press release
- Essential promotion including press release distribution and social media boost (check our catalogue for an overview of our editorial style)
- Share of the royalties from sales & streamings
- The composer keeps the rights of the work
- Rights management and royalties collection
- British Library, Sound and Music Archive registration
- Creation of official album page and composer page on RMN Classical
All of the following will be also included in the prize:
- Option for synchronisation and licensing opportunities (tv and media)
- Option for physical limited edition distribution and manufacturing (depending on demand)
- Licensing and Copyright Clearance
- Full contracts and agreements with the winning composers and artists
- Barcodes and ISRC codes
- Press release preparation and coverage
Application is via the Application Form. Just click on APPLY NOW button below to start your application. Payment of the fee will be by Paypal, Credit or Debit Card and also Bank Transfer. Please read the guidelines below.
For this project, electroacoustic is defined to include acousmatic, sound-art and any type of composition made with electronics or written for electronic-only instruments. The work can include acoustic instruments, voices and percussions as well as live electronics or live processing.
Please note that we need the recording of the work for this call to qualify.
If in doubt please Contact Us.
There is no maximum duration. We strongly suggest and recommend submitting short or medium length works (5 to 7 minutes long or shorter duration)
Contemporary music no matter the genre or style (no jazz or pop please). The work can have jazz, pop, rock, world or other influences but should mainly be contemporary or experimental in the field of electronic and sound-art music.
Multi-movement works can be submitted and will count as 1 work.
NOTE: Collection of works will not count as one work and the application fee should be paid accordingly.
For e.g. a collection of 3 works will count as 3 works and the application fee should be paid three times or submission will be disqualified.
There are no formal restrictions and anyone regardless of age and country of residency can participate (minimum legal age of 18 required - if you are underage please get in touch before applying)
There is no limit to the number of works that you can submit. Please note that we will tend to select only one work per composer. In some circumstances, we reserve the right to select more than one work (depending on the quality of work).
EARLY BIRD [Ends 31 March 30 April 2022 at 11:59 pm (BST)]: £37 - per work submitted
FULL PRICE [Ends 30 April 31 May 2022 at 11:59 pm (BST)]: £65 - per work submitted
The application fee will be the only cost for the participant. No other fees or costs will be due if the composer is selected.
A link to a folder containing the material as listed below. The link should stay active for the whole duration of the Call and selection process. Accepted systems are Dropbox, Box, Google Drive and similar. No WeTransfer, please.
For every work submitted please make sure to include:
- Recording in mp3
- Score in pdf (if available)
- Notes about the work in doc/docx
- Notes about the composer (bio) doc/docx
- Promotional photo of the composer
To apply click on APPLY NOW button below.
The composer should be the owner of the copyright and of the master recording and should be able to license the work for the release. Please double-check with any recording/sound engineer and with your performers before submitting the work. If your work is already released by any other entity (record labels, managers, agencies, etc..), you might need a permission release document. If there is any irregularity we will reserve the right to withdraw your participation and the fee would not be refunded.